Commocean revolves around the message of “Commotion of the Ocean”, symbolizing the boundless energy and sea of emotions that comes alive in crowds at concerts and festivals.

no matter where you are in the world, The Crowd Is Your Ocean!

Commotion of the Ocean

Project Commocean

Project Commocean was founded by six friends who were all brought together by the unifying power of music.

We hope to create our own ocean with you as we set sail on this journey to create unforgettable experiences.

Our Logo

The Sound wave

Our company's logo is a unique and dynamic representation crafted through the synthesis of sound and design.

When saying the word "Commocean" into a microphone, a soundwave is formed embodying the rhythmic energy of the ocean. Within the contours of this soundwave lies a handcrafted wave design.

This fusion not only encapsulates our company's identity, but also introduces a visually captivating and personalized touch, making our logo a distinctive and memorable symbol for our brand.